About Us

Our Story

Our story begins with a little african girl growing up near Paris in the late 70’s, touching her hair in front of her mirror and asking herself why they don’t swing like her friends at school. She was already feeling that powerful urge suggested by society, to get straight hair… until she realised as an adult what that quest really meant : not loving the way half of the humanity’s hair look, thinking black and brown people aren’t beautiful enough to appear to the world the way they originally are.

In reaction, Bilguissa Diallo (the grown-up little girl) founded Nappy Queen in Paris, to make daily life easier to diverse people with curly hair, that could not find the right product in France. Because everyone deserves access to beauty without sacrifying health or self-esteem…

.As she wanted to go further towards the goal to propose meaningful cosmetics, that provide efficient solutions to a maximum of customers, she decided to highlight even more those two parts of her identity with a global brand that allows her to share the best of the beauty traditions she grew up with! French beauty care empowered by African raw natural ingredients and traditions : FrenchICA for AfrICA, and for chica, Bilguissa being a french girl: FRENCHICA

African roots, French touch, super cosmetics, this is what we’re building!
We will help you be your best natural selves!
We’ll keep you posted along our journey folks 🙂

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