Black girl with coily hair

Routine for coily hair in 4 steps

When you’re a young black girl growing in a predominantly white country, you have to deal with not seeing yourself portrayed in the media. And when it’s the case, it is rarely in a positive way. So having to find a routine for coily hair was never easy throughout...

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Moringa leaves and powder

Moringa: Miracle tree, Magic oil and powder

Some african ingredients are very well known for having been used in a huge quantity of products. Despite the fact that it has not been really brought to the credit of this continent, it is still a very common knowledge that they sure are african. Meanwhile, other african ingredients...

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frenchiha inclusive beauty

This is what inclusive beauty looks like

As a kid growing up in the late 70-80’s in Paris. I got used not to see myself (or girls who look like me) portrayed by the medias; I remember me at 5 years old, watching my reflection in the mirror, touching those soft hair that seemed to have...

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