Black girl with coily hair

Routine for coily hair in 4 steps

When you’re a young black girl growing in a predominantly white country, you have to deal with not seeing yourself portrayed in the media. And when it’s the case, it is rarely in a positive way. So having to find a routine for coily hair was never easy throughout...

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Moringa leaves and powder

Moringa: Miracle tree, Magic oil and powder

Some african ingredients are very well known for having been used in a huge quantity of products. Despite the fact that it has not been really brought to the credit of this continent, it is still a very common knowledge that they sure are african. Meanwhile, other african ingredients...

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Shea Butter

Why Shea butter is a magic ingredient

In general, if we should choose or think about one ingredient that symbolises Africa, it would be shea butter. We all have heard about it, we know about its hydration qualities, brands have used it, spoken about it, built story-telling about it, so it seems quite common. But still,...

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