Category: News

French and African beauties

What makes us special?

Nowadays, people have so many options for beauty and personal care, there are so many brands that one could think why should anybody create another brand? What could we possibly invent, how could we still innovate, propose anything fresh and new? When I decided to launch Frenchica, I wanted...

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frenchiha inclusive beauty

This is what inclusive beauty looks like

As a kid growing up in the late 70-80’s in Paris. I got used not to see myself (or girls who look like me) portrayed by the medias; I remember me at 5 years old, watching my reflection in the mirror, touching those soft hair that seemed to have...

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Frenchica… Who, why, what and how? 

Hey ya’ll Welcome onboard. I guess this is not what you were thinking when you imagined French girls or France huh?Let me guess what was on your mind… Paris, the Eiffel Tower, good bread, good wines, beautiful and classy white women walking on the Champs-Elysées… fantastic food, everything but...

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